Saw Pirates of the Caribbean : At world's End...
Well a brilliant sequel to an already awesome movie.. the Dead Man's Chest......
The Movie has a dark start and keeps the mystery element to it...
This movie is lengthy and feels more lengthy because of so many things happening..
Even so, it doesn't have a hurried or Half baked quality to it....The movie watching experience is fulfilling...
The story is action packed.. the much awaited scenes deliver and live up to the expectations of the hype that is created to it..(eg: jack sparrow and davi jones' standoff.. marvellous)
Even some scenes which one might not expect so much attention.. are done beautifully.... to an extent it lingers in your mind(e.g. the end of Becket)......after the movie is over....
Johnny depp.... is a Class Act.. though camera faces him much less than it should... He is life of the movie.... every scene he does remains even after the movie is over.....
kiera is hotter than before and smooches more than one hot dudes of the plot....
All in all a good movie and value for money....
But, a non statutory Warning though.... ppl who have not watched or understood the First or Second should preferably watch before they wach this one.....
Happy movie watching.......